MYTH - A Venezuelan goddess queen, a poet with a passion for the sea and a legendary composer almost lost are brought to life September 29th.
Venezuelan born American composer and conductor Efraín Amaya writes, “In Venezuela, I grew up with the invisible presence of María Lionza, the daughter of a native Indian chief, something to do with a legend, something to do with a queen, or something magic. This piece, El Sentir de María Lionza (The Sentiment of María Lionza), comes to be as a reflective response to the socio-political crisis that invades my native country at this time. This is a time of unrest as it was the time of the Spanish Conquest, when this legend takes place.”
Maria Lionza is a mysterious and magical figure, rich with history, culture and ritual. “She is the central figure in one of the most widespread new religious movement in Venezuela. The cult of María Lionza began in the 20th century as a blend of African, indigenous and Catholic beliefs. She is revered as a goddess of nature, love, peace and harmony. “ (Wikipedia)
Read this blog post about her by Alan D.D., a Venezuelan author.
Excellent photojournal piece about Maria Lionza in The Guardian here.
Alfonsina Stroni, poet. perhaps the most acclaimed Argentine poet of the modernist period, is one of the foremost writers and intellectuals in Latin American literature. Storni was one of the first successful fighters for women to occupy spaces in American literature. (source: digital Storoni)
Three-time Grammy nominated American composer Miguel del Aguila was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. His piece SUBMERGED is based on Alfonsina Storni’s romantic, surrealist poem “Yo en el fondo del mar” On the surface, both the poem and music seem innocent and light-hearted, but one feels differently when the author’s fascination with the sea, and her later suicide by drowning in it, are taken into consideration.
The piece follows the form of the poem except for the lively introduction and a coda which illustrate the poet’s childhood near her native Argentine Andes, and in Switzerland. With six harp loud chords, the piece “falls” deep underwater: this slow middle section is mysterious, intimate and magical. It recreates the poem’s isolated submerged world where fish with flowers, octopus and sirens dance while birds chirp happily far above water. The harp uses unusual extended techniques, some stemming from Paraguayan harp playing. The viola adds a rhythmic edge by playing constant multiple stop pizzicati imitating a Charango. The flute is the Quena of the ensemble and it uses often extended techniques as well. “In my interpretation of Storni’s poem this underwater world is that special place of isolation where many artists withdraw to create, a place and mood that can easily turn into depression. A place that ultimately Alfonsina chose to remain and which became her death. In my Submerged, I continued the events of the poem and made the listener return to the real world above water. This return is triggered by the memories of her childhood played by the harp and viola as a music box Ländler which turns into a Vidalita, both music which Alfonsina would have heard in her childhood. Written in 2013, commissioned by Hat Trick and Brigham Young University. Program notes courtesy of the composer.
This program features a large scale string quartet by Teresa Carreño (1853-1917). Born in Venezuela, she was a child prodigy on the piano. The family moved to New York City to further her education. At age 9 she performed for the Lincoln’s at the White House. She became a celebrated concert pianist and travelled the world performing. She also composed at least 75 works, sang and even occasionally conducted! In North American her legacy has largely been forgotten, although in Caracas there is a huge concert hall complex named after her! We are excited to bring her music to St. Louis.
Listen to her play the piano! Recorded in 1905 and remastered! Full play list HERE.
Interactive map of her global performance career HERE